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Hi! Welcome to College Hill Pets. Our names are Quentin Cole and Grant Rice. We go to Beaver County Christian School. We both have years of experience watching pets for our neighbors and friends.​ We both decided that we would rather work together than compete and so we created our own little business. First here is a little information about the two of us.


Hi! I am Quentin Cole, I am a sophomore at BCCS. I am 15 years old and have lived on College Hill for most of my life. I was adopted from Kazakhstan when I was a baby and have lived here since. I have taken care of dogs, cats, guinea pigs, and fish. 


Hi! I am Grant Rice. I am a freshman at BCCS. I am 14 years old and have lived on College Hill for 12 years. I have taken care of many dogs, cats, fish, rats, and guinea pigs. 


We hope you consider College Hill Pets when you go away. We have experience with many animals and are open to learning about caring for other animals. 


About us

"I've been pleased with their responsibility and how well they've taken care of my dogs."


Diana Rice


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